
SSS ‘lagging behind,’ lacks effective social media campaigns – data

A recent social listening report from Capstone-Intel Corporation revealed that despite receiving 83.4 percent positive mentions across all social and non-social media platforms, the Philippines’ state insurance corporation Social Security System (SSS) has been lagging in terms of its social media campaigns.   Capstone-Intel Corporation is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency.   Background   The SSS is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) of the Philippines mandated to provide social insurance to employees.   It provides social security benefits to private-sector workers. Social security offers workers with a replacement income in the event of death, disability, illness, maternity, or old age. On September 1, 1957, the Social Security Act of 1954 went into effect, the Governance Commission for GOCCs said.   Methodology   Capstone-Intel Corp. examined the online presence of SSS in the country as a topic of discussion for one year, from January 18, 2023, to January 18, 2024, by utilizing all publicly accessible posts from social and non-social media platforms in order to gather the sentiments of the public about the state insurer.   Facebook Performance   Capstone-Intel found that SSS garnered a 901,100.7 engagement score for its 23,164 total post count, which yielded over 3,216,157 total reaction count. When broken down, “Facebook like” accounts for 50 percent of the total reactions, with 1,607,545. Followed by “Facebook love” with 1,520,830 reactions (47.3 percent), “Facebook haha” with 53,661 (1.7 percent), “Facebook wow” with 15,930 (0.5 percent), “Facebook sad” with 11,860 (0.4 percent), and “Facebook angry” with 6,331 reactions (0.2 percent).    Looking at the data, the state insurer’s Facebook performance can be seen as having a neutral Facebook presence as its top stories only mention the state insurance while others include SSS issues at hand. Moreover, Capstone-Intel also observed that the top stories about SS on Facebook, including its official Facebook page, have been struggling to keep up, leaving its presence lower.   Online mentions   Capstone-Intel likewise revealed that SSS received 83.4 percent positive mentions, and the remaining 16.6 percent were negative mentions. This means that the article mentions about SSS were mostly angled positively, as per the data, these positive mentions are attributed to stories mentioning the programs of the state insurer, however, its campaigns are somehow less engaging as top posts mentioning the SSS are only discussing the state-run insurer as a side topic or when there are issues confronting SSS.   For the whole year, the SSS only yielded over 28 294 098 social media reach which can be classified as higher compared to PhilHealth’s social media reach, also a government state insurer, who has received 16,083,901 social media reach.   Presence Analysis:   Looking at the SSS data, Capstone-Intel discovered that the SSS’ promotional initiatives were unsuccessful, as evidenced by their reduced social media reach and reception of reactions coming from its official Facebook page.   The state insurer is portrayed poorly in the majority of the most frequent SSS mentions, which reduces the exposure of the company’s social media initiatives that help its attempts to raise the consciousness of what SSS offers to the public.