
Maharlika’s News Performance Scores 16.9% Lower Than Other Sovereign Investment Funds

Following the Philippine government’s enactment of the Maharlika Investment Fund, Capstone-Intel Corporation conducted an analysis utilizing publicly accessible online platforms worldwide to investigate how other sovereign investment funds are discussed from June 30, 2023 and July 31, 2023.


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Sovereign Investment Fund

Prior to the implementation of the inaugural sovereign investment fund in the Philippines in the middle of the preceding month, it had already garnered widespread attention due to the divergent views of the public. One of the contributing factors to this disparity in public opinion is the lack of comprehension regarding the nature and function of this fund.



A sovereign investment fund is a state-owned investment entity that manages and invests funds on behalf of a government. These funds are usually generated from a country’s surplus revenues. The primary objective of sovereign investment funds is to diversify a nation’s economy, create wealth, and establish a source of income for future generations. Additionally, they may be used to stabilize national budgets, build savings for citizens, or foster economic growth. 


Online mentions

Maharlika Investment Fund has been mentioned online through various platforms, with the Web gaining 35 percent of the total mentions. News follows closely behind with 16.9 percent of the total mentions, while videos make up 16.8 percent. The platform Twitter has 8.5 percent, forums contribute 7.8 percent, TikTok has 5.7 percent, and blogs make up 2.4 percent of the total mentions. 


In terms of online mentions of China Investment Corporation, it has been determined that News platforms represent 55.2 percent of the total mentions. Twitter comes in second with a total of 23.8 percent, followed by the Web with 10.5 percent. Blogs account for 6.7 percent of the total mentions, and lastly, Forums have 3.8 percent.

The analysis of Khazanah Nasional’s online presence in Malaysia is based on quantifiable data relating to the number of mentions across various platforms. The data reveals that News represents 47.7 percent of the total mentions. Blogs account for 25.9 percent of the total mentions. Twitter accounts for 12.8 percent of the total mentions, while the Web represents 11.1 percent. Lastly, Facebook accounts for 1.2 percent of the total mentions, while Forums and Tiktok account for 0.4 percent.


The Korea Investment Corporation of South Korea has received mentions across various platforms, with mentions in the News category at 53.1 percent. The Web category followed with 28.1 percent of the total mentions. Blogs had a share of 12.5 percent of the mentions, while Tiktok accounted for 6.3 percent.

Online mentions of Japan Investment Corporation were determined to be from News sources, accounting for 66.7 percent of the total mentions. The next source of mentions was the Web, with 19.0 percent of the total mentions. Blogging platforms made up 9.5 percent of the mentions, and Twitter accounted for 4.8 percent.


Sentiment analysis

The Philippines’ first-ever Maharlika Investment Fund has garnered considerable global attention and has been widely scrutinized across various media platforms, with its mentions classified as either positive or negative sentiments. An in-depth analysis of the prevailing sentiment has revealed overwhelming optimism, with 73.9 percent expressing a positive outlook towards the Maharlika Investment Fund, while the remaining 26.1 percent have expressed negative sentiments.


The China Investment Fund has garnered considerable interest, and its findings of sentiment analysis reveal an overall positive sentiment of 60.0 percent, while the remaining 40.0 percent display a negative tone.


The Malaysian sovereign wealth fund, Khazanah Nasional, has gained notable recognition, demonstrating a favorable performance. Based on an analysis of public sentiment, the fund has received a positive sentiment rating of 73.3 percent, with only 26.7 percent reflecting a negative sentiment.

Assessing the sentiment encompassing the Korea Investment Corporation of South Korea poses a challenge, as the collective discourse fails to distinctly denote a positive or negative stance, with a comprehensive tally of 32 posts worldwide.


Determining the sentiment towards Japan Investment Corporation also presents a challenge as the limited total number of posts, amounting to only 21 worldwide, fails to provide a clear indication of whether the sentiment is positive or negative.

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