
Public Sentiment on Justice: Study Reveals Strong Support on Social Media

Justice is an intrinsic principle that resides at the very essence of an equitable and just society. It encompasses the fundamental tenet of bestowing equitable and unbiased treatment upon all individuals, guaranteeing the safeguarding of their rights and justly granting them their rightful entitlements. To gauge public opinion on justice, a study was conducted by Capstone-Intel Corporation.

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Justice is a fundamental concept that lies at the heart of societies and legal systems around the world. It is the principle of fairness, impartiality, and the equitable treatment of individuals and groups. While the definition of justice can vary across cultures and legal frameworks, its essence remains the same – to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, their rights are protected, and wrongdoings are appropriately addressed.


Justice encompasses both procedural justice and substantive justice. Procedural justice refers to the fairness and transparency of the legal processes, ensuring that individuals have access to a fair trial, legal representation, and the opportunity to present their case. On the other hand, substantive justice focuses on the fairness of outcomes, aiming to rectify any imbalances or injustices that may exist in society. It seeks to promote equality, protect the vulnerable, and hold wrongdoers accountable for their actions.



The study was conducted between July 1, 2023 and August 14, 2023. The research agency utilized advanced tools to analyze publicly accessible Facebook pages in search of posts containing the keyword “justice.” The data collected was sourced from publicly available Facebook data from the Philippines, with no tracking of demographics or personal information.


Facebook performance

During the period from July 1, 2023 to August 14, 2023, a total of 5,486 posts related to “Justice” were identified from publicly available pages. These posts received significant engagement, with 102,511 comments, 148,734 shares, and a total reaction count of 1,078,930. The overall engagement score for these posts was 266,878.1.


Reaction distribution

In terms of reaction distribution, it was found that on Facebook, the keyword “justice” received 55.3% Likes, 31.4% Love and Wow reactions, 5.5% Sad reactions, 4.4% Haha reactions, and 2.6% Angry reactions. The combined percentage of positive reactions (Likes and Love) accounted for a significant 86.68% of the total reactions. This analysis suggests that the majority of reactions to posts related to “justice” on Facebook were positive, showcasing a strong level of interest and support from users.


Top posts

The post that has garnered the highest engagement score of 39,595.2 revolves around the renowned basketball player, Jaylen Brown, who recently inked the most substantial contract in NBA history. This post, shared by NBA Buzz, sheds light on Brown’s remarkable achievements both on and off the court, highlighting his commendable advocacy for social justice.

Securing the second-highest engagement score, GMA Public Affairs takes the spotlight by promoting their captivating documentary film, “Maria,” which delves into the lives of three remarkable women sharing the same name. This post serves as a platform to officially announce the film’s eagerly anticipated release at an esteemed upcoming film festival, promising a thought-provoking exploration of truth and justice.

Lastly, CNN Philippines has published a remarkable score of 11,875.6, brings to light a significant news report. This report unveils the discovery of human remains within a septic tank located in Bilibid prison, capturing the attention of both the public and authorities as an ongoing investigation ensues to shed light on this perplexing matter.

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