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We are confident that this survey provides valuableinsights into the Public Perspectives on Transportation are explored in four key areas.…
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- Surveys

The survey was conducted over a two-week period. The research team followed a comprehensive process, including instrument preparation, data gathering,…

We are pleased to present the key findings from the nationwide survey conducted by Capstone-Intel Corporation on perceptions of private…

We are confident that this survey provides valuable insights into public opinion on mental health in the Philippines. The sample…

The sample of 1,210 respondents ensures a high level of accuracy, with a margin of error of ±3 percent at…

The survey was conducted over a one-week period. The research team followed a comprehensive process, including instrument preparation, data gathering,…

The survey was conducted from September 25-30, 2023. The research team followed a comprehensive process, including instrument preparation, data gathering, result…

Capstone-Intel Corporation conducted a nationwide survey from August 1 to August 10, 2023 aimed at understanding the attitudes of Filipinos…

The survey was conducted over a two-week period. The research team followed a comprehensive process, including instrument preparation, data gathering, result analysis, and…

Capstone-Intel Corporation conducted a nationwide survey from August 1 to August 10, 2023 aimed at understanding the attitudes of Filipinos…

A study on the frequency of Filipinos on getting health check-ups Through data panel research, the study on the frequency…

Survey on the Awareness of Filipinos Cryptocurrency The emergence and growth of the cryptocurrencies market have garnered tremendous global interest…

Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into…