
Israel-Hamas War Gets 90% Negative Mentions, 31% Sad Reax in PH, Study Shows

A recent study from Capstone-Intel  Corporation revealed that the ongoing Israel-Hamas received 90 percent negative mentions across non-social and social media platforms, adding that 31 percent of Filipinos are “sad” about the Israel-Hamas war, which illustrates how Filipinos perceived the raging battle between Israel and Palestine. Capstone-Intel Corporation is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency. Background The conflict between Israel and Palestine originated from the United Nations’ decision in 1947 to divide the land in the British mandate of Palestine into two separate states – one for the Jewish population and one for the Arab population. This decision was made in response to the widespread slaughter of European Jewry during the Holocaust. Approximately 700,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled or voluntarily fled, constituting around 85 percent of the Arab population residing in the region acquired by Israel, and were permanently denied the right of repatriation. The Palestinians refer to the mass departure and destruction of a significant portion of their community within Israel as the Nakba, meaning “catastrophe.” This event continues to be a distressing incident that defines their historical narrative. Arab individuals who chose to stay in Israel as citizens were subjected to systematic discrimination by the authorities. They were confined to military governance for almost 20 years, resulting in the deprivation of numerous fundamental civil liberties. A significant portion of their territory was seized, and Arab Israeli communities were intentionally subjected to economic distress and insufficient financial support. Amid the ongoing conflict, at least three Filipinos lost their lives in what appeared to be strategically planned assaults carried out by militant groups in Gaza. The Philippine government has released a statement expressing strong disapproval of the killings of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). The government has pledged to provide assistance to the 30,000 Filipinos in Israel and the 137 residing in the Gaza Strip, which have been severely affected by the ongoing conflict. Methodology Capstone-Intel conducted a one-month backtracking of posts across social and non-social media platforms in order to determine how Filipinos reacted to the issue. The agency utilized its customized social listening tools to gather data across all publicly available posts on social media from September 17 to October 17 in order to identify the sentiments of users about the topic. Facebook Performance According to Capstone-Intel’s data, the Israel-Hamas war garnered a total of 48,959.7 engagement scores coming from the overall 272,900 Facebook reactions during the date of social listening, with 60 percent of the total reactions, or 163,625, being like reactions, while Facebook sad came in next with 84,541 (31 percent), Facebook love with 13,143 (4.8 percent), Facebook haha with 7,463 (2.7 percent), Facebook angry with 3,262 (1.2 percent), and Facebook wow with 866 (0.3 percent). Online mentions The data also showed that of the 24,967 mentions across social and non-social media platforms, 90 percent of the total mentions were negative, while 10 percent were positive. This indicates that the Filipino audience is taking the issue seriously, as backed up by the 31 percent sad reactions on Facebook. Meanwhile, according to the data, the Israel-Hamas war garnered a total of 61 million social media reach, indicating that the raging struggle reached millions of users across the country. Top posts In terms of top posts, a multimedia news report from TV Patrol, which tells how Hamas militants have threatened to kill their civilian hostages if Israel does not stop its missile strikes on Gaza, garnered the highest engaging story with a 9,366.2 engagement score. This was followed by another TV Patrol report, which narrates how a Filipino caregiver survived and protected the elderly she cared for when some Hamas members forcibly entered their home. This story received a total of 6,046.8 engagement score.  The ABS-CBN News report highlighted the third most captivating story, which had an Israeli official praising the “unimaginable honor” of a Filipina nurse who tragically perished during the Israel-Hamas struggle. The deputy mayor of Jerusalem disclosed that the overseas Filipino worker declined to evacuate without her elderly patient. The story yielded a total of 2,131.9, according to Capstone-Intel’s data.

Pura Luka Vega’s arrest gets majority of negative, laughing reactions online, study finds

A recent study from Capstone-Intel Corporation showed that Pura Luka Vega received 75 percent negative mentions across all social and non-social media platforms and a 57 percent laughing reaction due to the artist’s arrest. “There really is a diverse reaction to Pura Luka Vega’s arrest, as the Philippines is a Catholic majority country and all our values and beliefs are deeply rooted in Catholicism,” says Capstone-Intel, a private research and intelligence company. Pura Luka Vega, also known as Amadeus Fernando Pagente, was detained on October 4, for his involvement in the June performance of Ama Namin, a punk rock rendition of the Lord’s Prayer, during a Pride event in Manila. The video gained widespread attention afterward and was criticized by prominent religious leaders and politicians. The performance was deemed “blasphemous” and “disrespectful to the church” by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Meanwhile, the Philippines for Jesus Movement and other Christian groups filed a criminal complaint, leading to the artist being labeled “persona non grata” in 17 places around the country. Vega, 33, was indicted with violating a rule that forbids “indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts, or shows” that “offend any race or religion.” Possible penalties include a 12-year prison sentence and hefty fines. However, days after the artist’s arrest, Vega was released from jail after they posted bail. “Pura’s arrest is a stark reminder that the Filipino people, despite their democratic culture, are still grappling with the readiness to fully embrace contemporary ways of expression and that Catholicism remains traditional up to this day; that’s why it was heavily reacted negatively online,” the agency added. According to Capstone-Intel, it is noteworthy to understand that Filipinos will react resentfully to their performance since expression is subjective and may “elicit discomfort” to some audiences, but she highlighted that it’s important to prioritize issues aimed at uplifting the lives of Filipinos. “The dismissal of individuals’ reactions about Pura Luka Vega’s drag performance cannot be disregarded, as artistic expression is subjective and may elicit discomfort in certain individuals. However, it is imperative to recognize that the Philippines confronts an array of significant challenges, necessitating our focus on addressing urgent problems that aim to enhance the overall living conditions and well-being of all Filipino citizens,” it said.   **** To know more about the data, please click here. Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency.

63% Pinoys Support Legalization of Medical Marijuana for Therapeutic Purposes

Capstone-Intel Corporation recently conducted a nationwide survey from August 1 to August 10, 2023 aimed at understanding the attitudes of Filipinos towards the legalization of medical marijuana and their perceptions of its therapeutic potential and regulation. The survey was conducted among 1,205 respondents, with a gender distribution of 51% males and 49% females, aged between 18 and 75 years old. The respondents are from 17 regions including Regions I, Region II, Region III, Region IV A, Region V, Region VI, Region VII, Region VIII, Region IX, Region X, Region XI, Region XII, National Capital Region or NCR, Cordillera Administrative Region, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Region XIII, and MIMAROPA or Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan.    Support for legalization of medical marijuana for therapeutic purposes With a total of 1,205 respondents, revealing an overall support of 63% for the legalization of medical marijuana for therapeutic purposes. Conversely, 37% of respondents expressed their dissent on the issue.  Regarding geographic areas, Region XI emerged as the region with the most substantial percentage of support, at 71%, with Region XII and NCR following closely at 69% and 68%, respectively. In contrast, Region I demonstrated a higher proportion of respondents, at 58%, who expressed dissent towards the legalization. It is worth noting that Region IX saw an equal number of votes (50%) in favor and against the legalization of medicinal marijuana. Despite widespread support for the legalization of marijuana in the country, it is important to consider certain factors.  According to Capstone-Intel, while 63% are supportive, the respondents agreed to conditions to conduct more research, strict policy guidelines for access and dosage control. At the same time, the need for more awareness and education on the issue.   Support for medical marijuana as an alternative treatment and other supportive perceptions According to the survey, a significant portion of respondents (38%) agree that the legalization of medical marijuana could offer a viable solution for patients who have not found successful treatments through conventional medicine. Meanwhile, 29% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree with this statement, and 24% strongly agree that medical marijuana legalization could provide relief to such patients. Also, a significant percentage of respondents, namely 49%, express a strong conviction that further investigations should be conducted to probe the potential advantages and drawbacks of medical marijuana. Additionally, 35% of the participants concur with this statement. Based on the study, 55% of respondents expressed a strong level of agreement regarding the regulation of medical marijuana to guarantee its quality, safety, and proper dosage control. Additionally, 30% of respondents agreed with this statement.

Survey Reveals Lack of Familiarity Among Filipinos with DOH Programs  

The Department of Health plays a crucial role in promoting, protecting, and improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities in the country. Programs run by the DOH are designed to address a wide range of health issues, including infectious diseases, mental health, and more. The importance of these programs cannot be overstated, as they impact the health of individuals, families, and communities across the nation. However, the findings of Capstone-Intel Corporation’s research reflect a different perception of this matter. Based on a nationwide survey conducted by Capstone-Intel, there is a marked lack of awareness among the public about the various DOH initiatives. Notably, this includes programs aimed at improving mental health, national tuberculosis control, universal healthcare, national HIV/AIDS, and the enhancement of healthcare facilities. The research involved a total of 1,205 participants and yielded significant findings. Specifically, the study showed 50% of the respondents had knowledge of the national HIV/AIDS program implemented by the agency. Additionally, 45% of them were aware of the Universal Health Care program, while 44% knew about the national tuberculosis control program. Regarding other initiatives, 42% of participants were familiar with the mental health program, and 28% were aware of the health facility enhancement program. Based on the available data, it appears that the situation may have national implications that warrant the attention of the government. This viewpoint is supported by the observations of Dr. Guido David, Chief Data Expert of Capstone-Intel. “Lack of awareness of the DOH programs can lead to a lack of participation in health promotion and disease prevention activities. For example, if only a small portion of the population is aware of the importance of getting vaccinated, the overall vaccination rate would be low, leading to increased susceptibility to preventable diseases. Similarly, if only a few people are aware of the benefits of regular health check-ups, many individuals may miss out on critical screenings and early detection of illnesses,” explained Dr. David.   “One of the DOH’s top priorities should be to implement comprehensive and consistent public education and awareness initiatives. This is essential to ensure that the public is well-informed and engaged in the Department’s programs, even in the most remote regions of the country,” he added. Capstone-Intel aims to deliver objective, non-partisan research on issues of national importance. The DOH survey was conducted from August 1-10, 2023 with strict protocols to ensure data reliability and accurate representation of public opinion across the Philippines’ urban and rural areas.

Public Perception of DOH Performance Rates as “Good”

Survey reveals high awareness of DOH programs but lower satisfaction with healthcare affordability   A nationwide study conducted by Capstone-Intel Corporation has found that public perception of the Department of Health’s (DOH) performance was “Good.” The survey aimed to gauge public satisfaction with DOH across areas like transparency, timeliness, access to healthcare services, and communication. With 1,205 respondents across the Philippines, the poll found that 83% of respondents were aware of the functions and responsibilities of the DOH. The programs of the DOH with the highest awareness is the National Immunization Program, with 65% awareness, followed by the Family Health Program (59%) and the National HIV/AIDS Program (50%). The survey also showed that 60% were satisfied with DOH’s transparency and accountability in providing public health services and information, 10% were dissatisfied, and 31% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Regarding the timeliness and efficiency of crisis response, 56% expressed satisfaction, 13% were dissatisfied and 31% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Regarding healthcare accessibility and affordability, 52% were satisfied, 18% were dissatisfied, while 31% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. On DOH’s health information dissemination to the public, 59% were satisfied, 12% were dissatisfied, and 29% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Overall, the survey showed 60% were satisfied with the performance of the agency, 13% were dissatisfied, and 27% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. “This survey provides valuable insights that can guide policies towards improving the delivery of health services and strengthening health systems for all Filipinos,” said Dr. Guido David, Chief Data Expert at Capstone-Intel. “While DOH’s ratings are generally positive, increased affordability of care should be a priority to truly achieve universal healthcare.” Capstone-Intel aims to deliver objective, non-partisan research on issues of national importance. The DOH survey was conducted from August 1-10, 2023 with strict protocols to ensure data reliability and accurate representation of public opinion across the Philippines’ urban and rural areas.   Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency.

Study Shows ‘Love the Philippines’ Slogan Receives ‘Moderate’ Internet Presence Amid Fiasco

Amid controversies surrounding the “Love the Philippines” campaign slogan, recent data gathered by Capstone-Intel shows that the latter slogan received a “moderate” internet presence despite drawing broad criticism from various users from June 30 to July 31, 2023. Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency. Data from publicly available information were analyzed in order to scrutinize the internet presence of the “Love the Philippines” campaign during the height of the fiasco, resulting in public denunciation both on the national and international scene. Number of searches According to recently released data examined by Capstone-Intel’s advanced analytic tools, there were 1,950 queries made using the key phrase “Love the Philippines” on the search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Following a search by users for the exact phrase or subject, the campaign obtained a total of 17,247 visitors from organic search results. This means that there is now a moderate “Love the Philippines” internet presence, but in order to expand the presence of the campaign, the national government, through the Department of Tourism, should consider extensive information drives to increase its online visibility. Keyword insights In terms of the keyword insights of the “Love the Philippines” campaign, Capstone-Intel found 73.2 percent zero-click searches over the issue period. The term “zero-click searches” refers to queries performed in search engines that do not take consumers to a third-party website when they are presented with organic search results. Meanwhile, Capstone-Intel evaluated that the intent of users searching the campaign is purely “informational,” which means users are not familiar with the campaign and are exploring the campaign to acquire additional information. In a nutshell, the 73.2 percent searches that contained the phrase “Love the Philippines” and associated phrases were informational, showing a need to learn more about the deeper context and relevance of the branding slogan.  Traffic share When it comes to traffic share, the state-run news media Philippine News Agency (PNA) led the website traffic for the “Love the Philippines” campaign, accounting for a 15.4 percent share of traffic online, followed by PhilSTAR at 13 percent and international news agency The Guardian at 10.1 percent.  On the other hand, video-sharing platform YouTube recorded a 9 percent website traffic share, while came in fifth with a 7.55 percent traffic share. Interestingly, mobile reported a different traffic share with regard to the campaign. Youtube dominated with a 40.1 percent traffic share. Philstar also performed well on mobile, with 18.3 percent of traffic, followed by radio network Bombo Radyo at 7.94 percent, Rappler at 6.25 percent, and PNA trailing at just 3.56 percent mobile share.  Traditional news outlets and government websites controlled the most online traffic, but YouTube has surpassed them as the primary traffic driver on mobile devices. When these patterns of traffic across channels are understood, insights into the most effective content strategy for each platform can be gained by agencies attached to the tourism campaign slogan.

DepEd’s confidential, intel funds get 52% ‘positive sentiment’ online – study

The country’s Department of Education (DepEd) has recently made headlines after the incumbent Vice President and DepEd Secretary Sara Duterte requested P150 million in confidential and intelligence funds for the agency in addition to its proposed 2024 budget of P758.59 billion. Duterte then defended the proposal, claiming that education is “intertwined with national security,” adding that it is important that the country mold patriotic children “who will love and defend the country.” In line with this, Capstone-Intel conducted a public sentiment analysis of DepEd which covered the online users’ engagement with the department and its online interaction with the confidential and intelligence funds. It also aims to understand what social media platforms contributed to the positive and negative sentiments of users regarding the issue. Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency. Methodology Capstone-Intel gathered all publicly available information across various social and non-social media platforms in order to evaluate the magnitude of the sentiment of the users regarding DepEd’s confidential and intelligence funds from June 30, 2023 to July 31, 2023. According to the data, news scored the highest percentage of mentions with 206, accounting for 27.7 percent of the total mentions during the time frame of the study. This was followed by X with 179 mentions or 24.0 percent of the total mentions. Facebook has 22.3 percent of mentions, and the Web for 10.1 percent. This shows that the news agencies talked about DepEd’s confidential funds compared to other platforms.     Sentiment analysis Of this percentage, Capstone-Intel revealed that over 52.2 percent of social media users shared a “positive sentiment” on the matter. Meanwhile, the data showed that 47.2 percent of the users shared a “negative sentiment” about DepEd’s proposed confidential and intelligence funds. Although there were a variety of sentiments on the topic, the research agency examined that DepEd’s proposal for confidential and intelligence funds “received significant attention” online. Sentiments of the speaking authors In detail, Capstone-Intel found out that the TikTok platform received the highest percentage of positive mentions for DepEd’s confidential and intelligence funds overall with 68.8 percent positive mentions. Facebook came next as pages of news agencies such as Sunstar Davao and Rappler reported eight percent positive mentions, while Twitter tallied 3.4 percent positive mentions. Meanwhile, other uncategorized platforms recorded 19.7 percent of positive mentions. Negative sentiments However, speaking authors from Facebook, mainly news agencies and advocacy groups reported a 47.30 percent negative sentiment followed by Twitter at 37.2 percent, and other uncategorized platforms at 6.3 percent. Capstone-Intel suggests that it is important to note that positive mentions on news platforms can significantly impact the reputation and credibility of an organization or entity. Topic interactions Aside from confidential and intelligence funds, data shows that the topic “Teaching Growth” accounted for a relatively small 5.4 percent share of voice in the analyzed DepEd-related social media conversations. However, it drove a substantial 60.2 percent of total interactions. This indicates that the topic resonated strongly in terms of engagement. School openings represented a sizable combined share of voice at 10.3 percent for the #1 and #2 variations, and these drove a significant 18.5 percent of total interactions. The school opening variations also peaked after the education department announced the August 29, 2023 opening of classes in the Philippines. Additional education initiatives accounted for 2.8 percent of topic share and 4.8 percent of interactions.